Henry the dog and Baloo the cat love taking walks together and these photos will leave you feeling all fuzzy inside!
Henry and Baloo are proof that cats and dogs can be the best of friends. They are totally inseparable and do absolutely everything together, including enjoying their daily walks. Under the close eyes of their owners, of course.

Passionate hikers, Cynthia Bennett and her partner adopted Henry in 2014 during an open house at a nearby shelter. This couple from Colorado (Western USA) fell in love with this dog, who was only 14 weeks old at the time and who was much bigger than other puppies of his age.
Three days after his adoption, Henry took his first hike with his owners. It was obvious that he loved it; during a stop, he settled down on a rock and contentendly contemplated the breathtaking landscape. From then on, Cynthia and her boyfriend nicknamed him their "little mountain goat".
Then, a few months ago, the couple decided to adopt another animal from a shelter. This time, however, they opted for a kitten. 'Lo and behold they set eyes on a Siamese cross called Baloo. They then introduced him to their dog Henry and the two immediately got on.
The two became firm friends and Henry and Baloo now accompany Cynthia and her partner on all of their outings. Adventures that the couple have managed to immortalise and frequently share on Instagram.
Here's a heart-warming selection for you to browse...

Par Alexandre Dieu
Rédacteur en chef
Passionné d’écriture, des réseaux sociaux (et bien évidemment des animaux), Alexandre Dieu est le rédacteur en chef de Woopets. Diplômé d’un Master Métiers de la rédaction, il travaille en harmonie avec 2 vétérinaires, une éducatrice canine, un journaliste et 2 rédacteurs spécialisés mobilisés pour Woopets.
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