19 photos that prove cats are the best remedy if you have the blues
We can always rely on our cats if we need cheering up and these photos are proof enough! Are you feeling down? If you have a cat, then this shouldn't last too long. Your...
20 snaps that prove how crazy cats can be
As any cat-lover will tell you, it's felines' quirky side that makes them such fun pets, but what goes on in their minds remains a mystery as proved by these 22 adorable...
20 photos of sleeping cats that are guaranteed to make you smile
Feeling down? Then check out these photos and get back your feelgood factor! We all go through tough times. It's part and parcel of life. The great thing about cats is...
6 of the most popular breeds of large domesticated cats
We love all cats, whatever their size or shape, but some larger breeds are particularly popular as pets. So, if you love moggies, then read on... There are several breeds...
25 hilarious cat photos that will have you in stiches
As any cat-lover will tell you, our feline friends are extremely intelligent creatures. But that doesn't stop them from getting up to all sorts of mischief or...
20 people who claimed they didn't like cats, only to find themselves adopting one!
Cats, you either love ‘em or hate ‘em. Or at least that’s what some people say when they declare that our feline friends are not for them! But that’s not taking into...